Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dec 7 Reports

The Kingdom Assignment reports continue to come in...

One family reports, "We purchased a $25 gift card from Walmart and a greeting card for a local secretary who is battling colon cancer; has two school-aged children and her husband is incarcerated. We wrote her a long encouragement note in the card. We've received a thank you note and she passes on her blessings to our church for being 'light' in the community." (cummulative servers 92/served 435).

Another writes that they "baked brownies and delivered them to local Fruitland businesses...gas stations, hardware stores, Mulberry Acres office and a few neighbors. We got good responses with alot of 'thank yous' and smiles!" (cummulative servers 96/served 455)

"We bake homemade cookies and made hot cocoa - then set up a table on the Jackson Parade route. We had a sign that read 'Free hot cocoa and cookies. Merry Christmas from Fruitland Community Church." Had the FCC Kingdom Assignment card attached to each bag of cookies. We got lots of positive responses and 'thank yous.'" (cummulative servers 103/served 555)

A couple took a welcome basket to a new family in the neighborhood and also a book for a lady schedule for a double masectomey. The family thanked them and the lady had said that she had wanted the book. (cummulative servers 105/served 559)

One reports: "gave neighbor the money for groceries...his home health aide bought his grocerys with the $25.00. He needed the groceries bad! He was very, very thankful! He has been reading his Bible and having someone come and see him regularly." (cummulative servers 106/served 560).

Three folks gave out 150 cups of hot chocolate in Jesus name (and FCC's) at the Cape Christmas parade! There were alot of happy, warm people. The family was really excited about the positive responses from the people they encountered. (cummulative servers 109/served 710)

It is so exciting to read these reports...I'll comment more later (I think there are a few reports to come). May the Lord bless these seeds of intentional kindness in His name!

For the Kingdom!

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