Sunday, November 9, 2008

Exciting Reports!

It is amazing to hear how God lays it on the heart of His people to share love in practical, tangible ways...I love reading the KA reports!! They inspire me!! Here are the latest reports that I received on November 9:

One couple donated their KA money to the Southeast Food Bank which paid for 25 Thanksgiving meals! What a timely expression of God's love! (17 servers/105 served).

A family in our church bought two movies: "The Ultimate Gift" and "The Road to Redemption" and gave one to a neighbor with instructions to pass it on to a friend or a loved one. They other movie was given to another family with the same instructions. There is no way to know how many will be touched by this gift that will be passed on to others!! (23 servers/113 served).

A couple took snacks/cookies to the teacher's lounge Cape Central High School where the husband teaches. What a great idea! (25 servers/143 served).

One family took homemade muffins and chocolate bars to Monticello House (Nursing Home in Jackson) in a basket. They have committed to refill the basket once a month for the next 11 months! Wow!! (27 servers/173 served).

What a great variety of expressions of God's love! May the Lord plant seeds in our hearts to keep on loving and to keep on giving...

Because we know, because we love,

Pastor Mike

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