Monday, November 10, 2008

More reports from the weekend

You have no idea how much fun I am having reading the creativity in the Kingdom Assignment reports...I also have talked to several this week who are struggling with their Kingdom Assignment...may these and other posts generate some ideas! Here is the next round of reports...

Two folks served 10 people. Doughnuts were purchase for the election staff and money was given to help with transportation for a medical emergency. Both were well received. (cumulative total: 29 servers/183 served).

A couple served 35 Fruitland Area Firefighters by filling bags with chips and candy bars for them to use when they are on duty. The firefighters were very appreciative. What a great idea! (cumulative total: 31 servers/218 served).

One person assisted a family of four to make a trip to the ER to see their child that had just been taken to Children's Hospital in St. Louis. They were desperate and appreciative! (cumulative total: 32 servers/222 served).

May the seeds of kindness planted take root in someone's heart this week!

Keep sowing,

Pastor Mike

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